DOpus (32/96)

From:Kolbjørn Barmen
Date:7 May 2001 at 05:28:33
Subject:[D5] Re: Can you believe this garbage?

On Mon, 7 May 2001, Shane Cracknell wrote:

> I have read some crap in my time but that takes the cake.. I am what one
> would call a die hard Amiga fan but i still think that people have a
> choice and programmers can do what they will with their work.
> Best stuff it in the bin where it belongs Greg and take no notice... I
> have heard of dopus... but who the hell is Amitopia and who says it is
> the worlds best... what a one eyed twat.....

I met this guy first on IRC a few years ago and had a few hilarious hours
with him, he's basicly incredible clueless and also incredible naïve,
whenever he has some sort of problem with his amiga, and he usually does,
being the really clueless person he is, he comes whining on IRC for help.
I personally find it amazing that someone can have operated amigas for
13 years (iirc) without even knowing how to use the basic AmigaDOS commands,
Michal here is such a person. Also, he will happily tell you that you can
double the speed of any computer by attaching a scandoubler, because
that's what the guys at DK told him once, ofcourse they talked about
the refresh on AGA, but Michal ofcourse applied that to computers in
general :)

He's had a few so called mags over the years, none of them really being
anything than sparce printouts on his printer in his bedroom, those
few lucky moments he actually managed to get his printer working, I guess.
He's constantly looking for writers for his mags, I have no number of the
times he has naged me about doing articles for him, and he always promised
to send me issues of his amazing mags, ofcourse I never recieved anything.
Since his mags dont really have many readers, by natural causes, he's been
trying all sorts of tricks to get attention, a few months ago he was caught
more or less red handed posting a fake "wow this mag is cool" posting to one
of the norwegian amiga web boards ( However, due to his
extraordinary spelling and lacking grammar skills, it was very obvious for
all of us who was behind it. Poor thinh even tried to claim on the thread
that it really wasnt him, but the IP-address etc gave him away :)
Those of you who know how to read norwegian can read it here:

Anyways, I kinda feel sorry for him, cant be easy stomping around in the
salad like he's been doing the last decade :)

-- kolla

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